There are 2 answers here:
On older version of Linux (Redhat 5 and lower):
Put D3 into the /etc/inittab file
p000:2345:once:d3 -0 -n pick0 -a x tty12
Then issue "telinit q" to cause Linux to start D3.
On newer versions of Linux (Redhat 6 and higher) inittab is deprecated so we have to use Upstart
There is now a directory called /etc/init. We must place our d3 boot configuration file in there.
vi /etc/init/d3.conf # D3 Database start on last console tty12 (alt F12) description "D3 database server" start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345] exec /usr/bin/d3 -0 -a x -t tty12 Once you save the d3.conf file, you can start D3 one of 2 ways: 1) Reboot and it will start, a good final test 2) Use the command "initctl start d3" and it will execute this new d3.conf file. To see if it is really running issue this command: # initcl status d3 d3 start/running, process 5547
To stop d3, just login to D3 and issue the normal shutdown command at TCL. Also, there is d3 -k in Linux but only use this as a last resort.
# start d3 d3 start/running, process 5547 # initctl status d3 d3 start/running, process 5547